Re: RDFCore 2nd last call objections

> RDFCore is hopefully about to publish 2nd last call WD's.  I'm currently 
> planning to carry your objection from the first last call forward as 
> described in
> Please let me know if anything has changed.

No change, unfortunately.

BTW, I decided to further try out Jena 2 support for
datatypes in generating the content for [1] (the Jena
2-generated pages aren't posted yet, pending a little more
work with use of reification to record dates and notes on
values).  I wrote a wrapper Jena 2 Model that takes range
constraints from properties and Restrictions and
automatically applies datatypes as statements are added.
ModelCom made it much easier to write this.  I'll post my
code along with the data.




Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 11:55:17 UTC