Re: Circular transformation for RDF and n3

At 11:05 -0500 2003-06-23, Dan Connolly wrote:
>  > but if n3 to RDF is not going well,
>it seems to be going fine.

A n3 file:

      @prefix h: <> .
      @prefix rdf: <> .
      @prefix rss: <> .

     <>     a rss:channel;
          rss:description """
         <p>Ceci est un test</p>
""" .

karl% cwm -n3 foo.n3 -rdf > foo.rdf
karl% more foo.rdf

<!-- Processed by Id:,v 1.129 2003/04/08 16:12:43 timbl Exp -->
<!--     using base file:/Volumes/niu/karl/Sites/lagrange/foo.n3-->

<rdf:RDF xmlns:h=""

     <rss:channel rdf:about="">
         &#60;p&#62;Ceci est un test&#60;/p&#62;

how do I use XSLT now to convert &#60;p&#62; in <p> to output in XHTML?
It's not fine for me, but I may be wrong in one option of cwm.

I would like something like

         <p>Ceci est un test</p>

or if xmlns:xhtml=""

         <xhtml:p>Ceci est un test</xhtml:p>

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Monday, 23 June 2003 12:28:18 UTC