Circular transformation for RDF and n3


I have tried a simple transformation and I wonder if it's a cwm 
problem or if I can't do what I'm trying to do.

Let say in a RSS feed we have this item.

    <item rdf:about="">
       <title>Carnet : Rencontre Standard Web</title>
       <description><![CDATA[<p xmlns="">Dommage, je
ne serais en France que du <a href="/karl#ailleurs" shape="rect">26 
juillet au 9
  août</a>. Vous pouvez pas renouveler l'expérience quand je serais là.</p>]]>
       <dc:subject>Web, standard</dc:subject>

I have applied       cwm -rdf feed.rdf -n3 > foo.n3
and so I got

     :standard     a rss:item;
          dc:date "2003-06-21";
          dc:subject "Web, standard";
          rss:description """<p xmlns="">Dommage, je
ne serais en France que du <a href="/karl#ailleurs" shape="rect">26 
juillet au 9
  ao\u00FBt</a>. Vous pouvez pas renouveler l'exp\u00E9rience quand je 
serais l\u
          rss:link "";
          rss:title "Carnet : Rencontre Standard Web" .

I have applied again the transformation
		cwm -n3 foo.n3 -rdf > foo.rdf

and I got

     <rss:item rdf:about="">
         <dc:subject>Web, standard</dc:subject>
, je ne serais en France que du &#60;a href="/karl#ailleurs" 
  juillet au 9 août&#60;/a&#62;. Vous pouvez pas renouveler l'expérience quand
je serais là.&#60;/p&#62;</rss:description>
         <rss:title>Carnet : Rencontre Standard Web</rss:title>

The problem is that I don't have anymore the <p> in their original form.

Why I have tried that, because I thought of using n3 to manage 
content for a Web site.

     :entry0001     a rss:item;
          dc:date "2003-06-21";
           rss:description """
		<p>here all kind of text</p>
		<p>HTML markup</p>
		<p>to be able to insert all kind of things.</p>
          rss:link "";
          rss:title "Entry of the day" .

but if n3 to RDF is not going well, I will not be able to do RDF -> 
XHTML afteward.

Any ideas.

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Monday, 23 June 2003 11:30:29 UTC