agenda fodder: formalized comment status

Who's doing the agenda this week?

I'm making progress on formally modelling the
state of our last call review:

The good news are the ones like this:

    <mid:000001c30039$9f76ba40$4ff0010a@matisse>     :date "Fri, 11 Apr
2003 16:49:57 +0200";
         :subject "Remarks on OWL Guide and question about AS&S";
         lca:closed "Mon, 12 May 2003 15:17:35 -0500" .

I haven't taught the machines the difference between
the ones that we haven't finished answering and
the ones where we've finished answering but we don't
have confirmation from the commentor that they're happy.

So a lot of them look like:

    <>     a lca:RootWithNoTail;
         :date "Tue, 06 May 2003 14:22:16 -0700";
         :subject "Non-global Keys";
         lca:_reply  (
        "Jim Hendler" 
        "Tue, 6 May 2003 22:33:30 -0400"  ) .

A few of them are still really bad; e.g.
we don't seem to have even said "please stand
by" for this one...

    <mid:000901c3162c$7856ea80$bd7ba8c0@rhm8200>     a lca:RootWithNoTail;
         :date "Fri, 9 May 2003 06:10:45 -0700";
         :subject "unspecified domain,range in App. C of OWL Language Reference 31 March 2003" .

Keep in mind you can make an HTTP URI out of any
of these mid: URIs ala$7856ea80$bd7ba8c0@rhm8200

I'm hoping this will be useful in driving our agenda for the next few
weeks, as well as our request for CR/PR.

I was having trouble figuring out how to make useful HTML out of
this stuff, but I've got an idea now.

I also intend to exploit the formalization of last week's minutes
that I did. Stay tuned...

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 03:39:05 UTC