Re: Generating OWL Test documents

Jeremy, being in vacation, wrote:
> Hi Jos, Dan, Sandro,
> this e-mail tries to explain how to generate the bits to publish for the
> Test.
> 0) Use unix (I use Linux)
> 1) follow
> 2) Near the top of
>  wowg/jsp/main.jsp
>  there is the date and status information e.g.
> [[
> <%!
> // Date on the OWL and RDF documents (including this one)
> // Note months counts from 0, e.g. 7 is August, 0 is January
> GregorianCalendar owlPubDate = new GregorianCalendar(2003,7,6);
> GregorianCalendar rdfPubDate = new GregorianCalendar(2003,0,23);
> // levels of OWL and RDF docs - one of "WD", "CR", "PR", "REC"
> String owlStatus = "CR";
> String rdfStatus = "WD";
> ]]
> indicates that the OWL docs are in CR published on the 6th AUgust, and
the RDF
> docs are WD published on 23 Jan. These can be changed and all dependent
> changes should just happen (i.e. the references should not need further
> attention).
> 3) on the page
> http://localhost:8080/wowg/jsp/update.jsp
> There is a button "Working Drafts"
> clicking on this generates the documents
> 4) then (on unix)
> cd WWW/2002/03owlt/editors-draft/draft/
> 5) use ls -l to check that the dates on the many files have been updated
>  (I have had a hesienbug that sometimes makes the xslt do nothing)

Seems to work on win2k as well;
on my laptop it took 3 min 55 sec
and at least the size of XXL is ok (910 pages!).

> 6) ../../bin/stripsaxon

Went to unix for that, but got a "Permission denied"
and couldn't find out why, so will try again later...

> 7) cvs commit
> Jeremy


Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 05:45:15 UTC