You know, while reading Tim's discussion of returned representations,
and thinking through whether caching breaks in TimBL's model, I think
I've come to an important conclusion; there is no difference between
saying that a URI identifies a car, versus saying that it identifies a
"conceptual work" about the car.

The reason I believe this is because if you have URIs for each of the
above, any client would be unable to distinguish between the two because
the returned representations would be identical for all time.  By
definition (in the REST model, at least), those URIs identify the same

I think the only harm here, is when it isn't recognized that they're the
same, and unnecessary URIs are created.

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Web architecture consulting, technical reports, evaluation & analysis

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2003 23:40:03 UTC