nodeType changes checked in to editors' copy

As promised, I have checked in the changes for nodeType in part 2 and in
the soap-encoding schema.  Also as promised, the HTML is not generated and
the "frozen" copies have not been updated.  I did check the results in IE
and it looked good.  I have not tried any validations with the schema, but
IE still accepts it as well-formed.

Possibly questionnable calls I made:

* I changed the simple type of the attribute from enc:valueType to
enc:nodeType in both the text and the schema.

* I marked all changed paragraphs as diff="chg", but did not do any splits
of the paras.

* I changed the id on the <div> and associated references.  The old one had
valueType in the name.

If you search for all occurrences of nodeType in the new text you'll find
everything I did, other than the diff= markings.

Next steps:  Gudge or JJM to check it out for correctness, generate HTML,
and copy over frozen copies.  I think this discharges my action.  I'll be
on the road until the weekend.  Page me at if you need
me.  Thanks!

Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2003 16:11:50 UTC