

I'm only making very slow progress with your
I will have to simplify Euler to make it work
correctly with [] stuff (and to improve the speed)
This will be a difficult process, but using and
modifying your testcase is very fruitful.
In playing we slightly modified cn:inRegion rules

this log:forAll :s, :x, :y, :o, :r.

# inRegion and city/country @@pretty loose
{ :s cn:inRegion :o .
  :o map:cityName :x; cn:inRegion :r . :r :name :y .
  log:implies { :s cn:inRegion ( :x :y ) } .

# inRegion and lat/long...
{ :s cn:inRegion :o .
  :o map:x :x; map:y :y.
  log:implies { :s cn:inRegion ( :x :y ) }.

# inRegion and post/zip
{ :s cn:inRegion :o .
  :o usps:deliveryAddress :x; usps:zip :y.
  log:implies { :s cn:inRegion ( :x :y ) }.


_:who cn:acquaintedWith _:whoElse .

[ cn:socialParticipants _:whoElse;
  cn:inRegion _:where ] .

[ cn:socialParticipants _:who;
  cn:inRegion _:where ] .

now gives

@prefix usps: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix pc: <>.
@prefix c: <>.
@prefix mt: <>.
@prefix dt: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix ont: <>.
@prefix nsns: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix ns: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix map: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix s: <>.
@prefix cn: <>.

:DanC cn:acquaintedWith :DanBri.
 {_:www2002 cn:socialParticipants :DanBri.
   {_:www2002 cn:inRegion _:15065795.
    _:15065795 map:cityName "Honolulu".
    _:15065795 cn:inRegion _:9083183.
    _:9083183 :name "Hawaii"} log:implies
  {_:www2002 cn:inRegion ( "Honolulu" "Hawaii" )}} log:implies
{[ cn:socialParticipants :DanBri; cn:inRegion ( "Honolulu" "Hawaii" )] }.
 {_:webConf cn:socialParticipants :DanC.
   {{cn:inRegion a owl:TransitiveProperty.
      _:230849 cn:inRegion _:4354460.
       {ns:RDFS-RULE-6 rdfs:isDefinedBy mt:rdfsentail.
        cn:eventOccursAt rdfs:subPropertyOf cn:inRegion.
        _:webConf cn:eventOccursAt _:230849} log:implies
      {_:webConf cn:inRegion _:230849}} log:implies
    {_:webConf cn:inRegion _:4354460}.
    _:4354460 map:cityName "Honolulu".
    _:4354460 cn:inRegion _:3195425.
    _:3195425 :name "Hawaii"} log:implies
  {_:webConf cn:inRegion ( "Honolulu" "Hawaii" )}} log:implies
{[ cn:socialParticipants :DanC; cn:inRegion ( "Honolulu" "Hawaii" )] }.

so there is still a lot to do...


Received on Saturday, 16 March 2002 16:44:21 UTC