Recursive rules: is this a bug in Cwm?

[I sent this to RDF-IG, then DanC mentioned this route for Cwm reports - #g]

I've been experimenting with "recursive" rules in Cwm, and get some 
unexpected results:

My test file is:

Which essentially reduces to this test case:

   ?A rule:append ( [ daml:first ?H ; daml:rest ?T ] ?T1 ) .
   ?A daml:first ?H ;
      daml:rest  [ rule:append ( ?T ?T1 ) ] .
} .

:A1 rule:append ( ( "L11" "L12" "L13" ) "L14" ) .


Graham Klyne

Graham Klyne

Received on Saturday, 21 December 2002 05:05:14 UTC