cwm testP.n3


I came across a bug I think...
(what else are rainy holidays good for?)

We have the following simple N3

==== file:/temp/testP.n3
@prefix : <test#> .
:s :p :o .

and then we run
  cwm testP.n3
and get

#Processed by Id:,v 1.103 2002/08/08 02:03:35 timbl Exp
        #    using base file:/temp/testP.n3

#  Notation3 generation by
#,v 1.118 2002/08/16 22:30:48 timbl Exp

#   Base was: file:/temp/testP.n3
     @prefix : <#> .

    :s     :p :o .


i.e. the @prefix : is suddenly <#> instead of <test#> .
I see that this happens with prefixes shorter than the filename
as @prefix : <testPP#> gives @prefix : <testPP#>
and @prefix : <testP#> indeed @prefix : <#> .

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2002 18:07:32 UTC