On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Stephen Crawley <uqscrawl@uq.edu.au> wrote:
> I think the answer is "no" to all of Matthew's questions ... unfortunately.
> The original Annotea group has wound up. Ralph Swick is still with W3C,
> but no longer interested in in Annotea. I had a short conversation with Ivan
> Herman a few weeks back (face to face!) and the impression I got was that he
> thinks that Annotea is out-dated. Anyway, he said that there was little
> chance that the W3C Semantic Web group would reactivate this area. Another
> possiblity is /Marja-Riitta Koivunen/ and her "annotea.org" website.
> However, the indications are that she is semi-retired at the moment: there
> have been no updates to the site since 2006 and she didn't respond to my
> email.
> So I think the most practical solution would be to set up an informal
> working group (independent of W3C) to come up with consensus answers and
> document them. A Wiki-based group sounds a reasonable approach. (We might
> be able to host an Annotea Wiki on "http://metadata.net" ... I need to
> check out some issues.)
If you need hosting of annotation data then you could use the Talis Platform
(I am CTO at Talis). We have a scheme called Talis Connected Commons which
gives anyone completely free hosting of public domain data up to 50,000,000
triples. See http://www.talis.com/platform/cc/ for more details.
It would be good to see some annotea data being made more public.