Re: Processing of annotations

Matej Cepl wrote:

>I am looking for a tool for the qualitative data analysis and I thought
>whether Amaya and particularly Annotea technology could be used for this.
>What I had in mind would be to annotate whole bunch of newspaper reports (in
>XHTML -- cleared by tidy) in Amaya, and then process the result with some
>XSLT scripts (something like what tams
><> does). Did anybody tried something
>like this? Is there any standard method to transform Amaya annotations into
>one XML file?
>Thanks a lot,
You can try Eric's interactive ui 
( for W3C test server 
( and see if that is what you need.

Basically you would create the annotations for that server (it is meant 
for testing purposes so the data is not guaranteed to last but you can 
start your own server later) by selecting that server in Amaya.

Then you can create a file by going to and querying the 
interface e.g. give all annotations where the author is you. The ui is a 
bit cumbersome (I hope I can change this some day). Go to section under 
Query Annotations and rewrite the sample Algae query in the box (starts 
with "(ask" ) to do what you want and clear the other fields.

Then select "force text/xml" and press the "query RDF DB" button.

To create a sample result I cleared the Algae query and changed the uri 
to I shortened the result and attached it to this 
mail so that you can see what it looks like. If you do not force 
text/xml you will get the results embedded in a html page.


Received on Friday, 25 March 2005 17:55:32 UTC