Re: Problems with replies ...

Hello Reto,

On Sat, Mar 01, 2003 at 07:11:23PM +0100, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote:

> I didn't yet try to implement the reply protocol. To be honest I don't 
> understand the need for this, why not just annotate annotations?

Nothing keeps you from annotation an annotation. An annotation is
a resource and it has a URL. We support this in Amaya since long time

You can see an annotation as a way of making a remark about something. 
A reply allows people to respond to those remarks. This is similar
to what we have on email. The reply threads allow you to better
organize the discussion and visualize it. 

Note that contrary to annotations, you can see all the replies related
to a given annotation. With annotations, you have in principle to open a
URL in order to discover all the annotations related to it. If you're
doing annotations on annotations, you would need to follow the link from
one annotation to another to follow the discussion thread. This is not
so practical.

I hope this small explanation makes it clearer.


Received on Monday, 3 March 2003 10:59:40 UTC