Re: Placement of annotation mark in document

Hello Veith,

Sorry for the long delay in answering you.

Could you send me the URL you were trying to annotate? 

Could you tell me also which version of Amaya (release number) and
platform you were using?



On Sat, Aug 17, 2002 at 04:49:50AM -0400, veith.risak wrote:
> I use amaya 6 and annotea locally.
> I use annotea to comment documents, which I read from the web (not so much
> for preparing new html-documents).
> For about 36-38 annotations of one document all works well.
> But then comes a point, when all further annotations are marked at the
> begin of the doument and not at the place which I selected in the
> document.
> I think this is a problem with some numerical limit somewhere in annotea.
> Can anybody hep me?

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2002 08:15:05 UTC