Re: annotea server


>>  Actually right now I'm just querying the W3C annotea server and 
>>fooling around with the clients to see exactly what their posts and queries 
>>look like.
>well, I hope you've also skimmed the protocol document

Yes, I have.  I've also looked at the RDF format for annotea but I'm new at 
reading this.

I've also looked at what you get when you make a request like:

Is there an easy way to get the server to return XML to my browser just as it 
would to an annotea client?

I have a test version of my weblog to annotea gateway up (brittle query 
support ONLY).  You should be able to put it into your amaya annotea server 
lists and have my weblog entries come up when you visit a site I've commented 
on in my weblog.

My annotea server:

My weblog:

This is not a vanity exercise (as you might begin to think) I'm really much 
more interested in seeing other people's weblogs as annotations as I surf 
than in publishing my own.  I'm also motivated to help weblog tool authors 
build in mini-server support like this.  With a bit more exposure I think 
that annotations could take off the way RSS did.  I just think annotations 
are a really inspiring vector to include in our web experience.


>We (well, Marja) have been working on an update to that\
>document, as we've neglected to document the reply
>threading additions.  Marja's been beating me with
>a stick to review her drafts.  I'm slowly getting to do that,
>in between other tasks.
>>Is there anyone who's interested in chatting about this?
>I'd prefer to put my time into getting a new protocol document
>out the door, but perhaps your questions and comments
>here on this list will cause me to work faster, or realize
>parts of things that we've still failed to document adequately.
>>I'll be hopefully creating a server and also a toolkit that will make it 
>>easier for others to add bits and pieces of the annotea protocol to other 


Nathan Young
N. C. Young Design

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2002 20:01:16 UTC