Are Amaya's XPointers for SVG correct?

I tried creating an annotation on an SVG element inside an HTML document 
using Amaya. When I looked at the XPointer produced, it was[1]/body[1]/SVG[1]/line_[1]

(that should be all on one line).

Is that correct?

1. Shouldn't it have xmlns(svg= somewhere 
(XPointer 5.2.1, Namespace Initialisation)? Or is this not required because 
SVG is declared as the default namespace for the SVG element? (I'm a bit 
hazy on this part of XPointer.)

2. Shouldn't SVG be either svg or svg:svg?

3. Shouldn't line_ be line ?

Matthew Wilson

Received on Saturday, 23 February 2002 05:36:15 UTC