Re: Protocols query: posting a reply

At 18:59 18/02/02 +0000, Matthew Wilson wrote:
>I have questions about retrieving and posting replies, neither of which 
>are currently documented on the Protocols page 
>It looks as though I can retrieve a reply thread for an annotation by doing
>GET /annot?w3c_replyTree=annotationURL
>The RDF returns has resources of type 
> I think.
>Is posting a reply like posting an annotation, but using t:Reply and all 
>of the other thread properties?

Let me be less vague here. (When I started writing the last email I thought 
I had some example RDF to hand, but couldn't find it in the end.)

When I GET with ?w3c_replyTree=annotationURL for an annotatoin with 
replies, I get something like

    <t:Reply r:about="[reply URL]">
       <a:body r:resource="[body URL]" />
       <t:inReplyTo r:resource="[annnotation URL]" />
       <t:root r:resource="[annotation URL]" />
       <atr:attribution r:resource="[reply URL]" />

Most of this is fairly clear I think (except maybe the atr:attribution).

So my question is, what message do I need to send to create a new reply to 
an annotation? Is it a POST to the annotation server with

<r:RDF xmlns:...>
     <r:type resource=""/>
       <t:inReplyTo r:resource="[annnotation URL]" />
       <t:root r:resource="[annotation URL]" />
         <h:Body r:parseType="Literal">

... similar to Figure 2 on the Protocols page?

Matthew Wilson

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2002 14:40:24 UTC