Re: Use of Annotea with non-XHTML HTML


At 07:33 PM 5/11/2001 +0100, Matthew Wilson wrote:
>>Surely this discussion must have occurred elsewhere already.
>>Anyone have any pointers? (w/ fragments :-)

I asked this question of my colleages on the W3C staff and was
referred to Eve Maler's mention of  "schemes" in XPointer last

I still don't know if this challenge has been taken up by anyone.

>>Meanwhile, does the community here think that Amaya should
>>disallow selection (highlighting) of element content when
>>attaching an annotation to a text/html document?  Should it
>>limit the context to the smallest enclosing element with an
>>ID or NAME attribute and draw its pencil icon at the start
>>of that element?
>That seems a bit too restrictive to be useful.
>Perhaps we need a new XPointer scheme?

I put the same question to those present in a W3C staff (aka "Team")
meeting and it made it to today's agenda.  The conclusion of the 19 or
so people present was that if we were to invest resources in a
technical solution, it would be more broadly useful to define a
canonical translation (mapping) of HTML to XHTML than to work
on an XPointer scheme.  This mapping would also address the
question of optional HTML elements that Claus raised yesterday:

Also, the consensus of those present was that as an experiment
it was fine for Annotea implementations to continue to generate
and consume XPointers for HTML documents, understanding that
there was no formal guarantee of interoperability.  Specifically, we
are not going to immediately remove that code from Amaya.


Received on Thursday, 31 May 2001 12:31:42 UTC