Deleting and Updating Annotations

Hi there!

I am new to this list, my name is Thomas Bopp and I work at the computer
department of the university of Paderborn.
I am working on a CSCL System called sTEAM (
structuring information in a team - which includes annotation to
internal and external documents. We experimented with different tools
and tried to handle external annotations with proxy-servers, applets and
javascript/patching of the original document. Since there have been
several problems we decided to stick on the server side and support the
annotea protocoll.
Currently I am implementing an annotea server for the Roxen webserver
(as a module), but encountered some problems. 
Posting a new annotation does work, but I have some problems updating
and deleting it again. When I call delete-annotation inside amaya it
only deletes the annotation locally, but does not send anything to the
webserver. Also I noticed there seems to be no menu-item to update an
existing annotation. When using "Post Annotation" again it sends a
"normal" POST to the 
server creating a new annotation. 
Any Ideas ?
Thanx in advance,

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2001 10:01:47 UTC