Re: Annotea Examples?

At 09:31 AM 5/10/2001 -0400, Dan Brickley wrote:
>On Thu, 10 May 2001, Art Barstow wrote:
>> On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 10:57:29AM +0300, Manos Batsis wrote:
>> >
>> >  Apologies for asking such a simple question but can anyone give *any*
>> > annotea example url (or files), formal or not (pretty please :-)

There are some examples in Appendix A of our WWW10 paper:

>> If you are looking for RDF that encapsulates an annotation, see:

yes, that gives Eric Prud'hommeaux's interactive interface
for querying our RDF database.,  If you scroll to the bottom
of the form and enter, e.g. "" in the
"uris to check for annotations" field and select the
"query RDF DB" button you will see the then-current list
of annotations of the W3C home page known to

So, for example, I see right now the annotation
which, if you request with accept: text/html you'll see quoted and
wrapped in some HTML markup but if you request with
accept: application/rdf or accept: application/xml you will
see in bare RDF/XML form.

>... Would it be possible to have some of the
>Annotea data exposed on non-passworded URLs so we can point other RDF
>query apps at it?

sure.  I just copied the annotation data named above into

Received on Friday, 11 May 2001 09:50:05 UTC