Re: ANN: Annozilla, annotations in Mozilla

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 03:23:07PM -0400, Art Barstow wrote:
> I'm looking forward to trying it.

I just wanted to pass on some info that may be helpful
if you want to try Matthew's Annozilla:

o It didn't work for me with Mozilla 0.6 but worked fine after
 I installed 0.8.1 [Linux, x86, Red Hat]:

o If you need to create an account, see:

 [Note that a '+' sign in the user name causes a problem
  so don't use that char until the problem is fixed.]

o In Edit->Preferences->Annozilla, set the Annotation server to:

o To see some annotations, go to:


Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2001 21:03:30 UTC