Re: ANN: Annozilla, annotations in Mozilla

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 07:11:52PM +0100, Matthew Wilson wrote:
> My code for interfacing to Annotea via Mozilla is now available at

Excellent Matthew!

> A list of annotations is displayed in the sidebar, with the capability to 
> display the bodies of the annotations, and an attempt to find the section 
> of the document being annotated.

I intend to demo the bookmarklet stuff at the WWW10 Semantic
Web Developer's Day:

Please let me know your thoughts about me also demo'ing Annozilla.

> There are instructions on installation, screenshots, and the source code 
> can be browsed. Bugs can also be filed. Please feel free to comment.

I'm looking forward to trying it.


Received on Monday, 23 April 2001 15:23:09 UTC