- From: Jon Garfunkel <jgarfunk@bbn.com>
- Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 23:51:47 -0400
- To: ping@lfw.org
- Cc: www-annotation@w3.org
I had tried to assign term X the name "mediator"... At 10:26 PM 8/28/1999 -0700, ping@lfw.org wrote: >> - The ThirdVoice mediator is a plug-in, so it's local. > >ThirdVoice is not a mediator because it doesn't actually chew >up the document and produce a new document. It just has its >own code for displaying the annotations when the browser renders >the document. > >> - HyperNews, Slashdot, PageSeeder, the mediator is on the (remote) server >> which has the mark document and the related annotations. Call it >> "integrated" ?? > >These things also aren't mediators, for the opposite reason: Then you might agree that we are still searching for the term X, that which defines "the code which fetches the annotations for a particular web page and attatches the notes in the right places" ? Okay, call X the Annotator. And re-read my previous note about where the Annotator code (or engine) is located. can we agree on that? >May i again propose some terminology from CritLink? We call >such a document the "target document" of the annotation. >(Where "we" is, roughly, myself and the people who have been >at the design meetings for Crit.) Ok, that's a good idea. My friends in the underworld seem to insistently job syllables for their slang. Jon "Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something." Jon Garfunkel .......................... phone 781-262-4797 Software Engineer ...................... Burlington Office 25/2020E VPN Advantage .......................... https://nes-web/people/jgarfunk GTE Internetworking /Powered By BBN/ .....................................
Received on Monday, 30 August 1999 00:56:32 UTC