Re: W3C collaboration activity

I personally think letting people update the page is a good idea, but it is up to
the current contact for w3c collaboration and annotation projects,
Daniel LaLiberte.  He can be reached as <>.

>>>>> "Karen" == Karen MacArthur <> writes:

    >> On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Jon Garfunkel wrote:
    >>>  But we should really need to put the work in on updating the
    >>> annotations web page. ( --
    >>> though there is much overlap, do these two areas still go
    >>> together?)
    > Ka-Ping Yee writes:
    >> Yes, is severely out of date;
    >> unfortunately, i can't tell who maintains it nowadays, as the
    >> original author, Karen MacArthur, no longer seems to have an
    >> account at the W3C.
    >> Does anyone know who we should talk to?

    > This is Karen MacArthur, and yes, I haven't worked at W3C since
    > 1996 and so no longer maintain that page.  I still follow the
    > annotation list, however, and would be glad to contribute if W3C
    > provides access or a new home is found.

    > I can't find a current policy on collaboration and annotation on
    > the W3C site.  Can someone from W3C enlighten us on current
    > activity, and on whom we should contact?

    > Cheers, Karen

| Rolf Nelson (, Project Manager, W3C at MIT
|   "Try to learn something about everything
|             and everything about something."  --Huxley


Received on Wednesday, 30 June 1999 17:18:25 UTC