existing W3C technologies

Just wanted to bring to this list's attention some technologies of interest
from the W3C site:

Regarding "dictionary" (or "defintion") style anchors:

XMLSpec-- the W3C XML Specification DTD ("XMLspec") [1]-- allows the author
to encode anchors at Definitions (such as terms) and References (e.g,
biblio, spec, term, etc.). These definitions can exist in the same
document, or in a different docuemt (except, currently, biblio references.)
This would seem to address what RichLink wants to do.

It would also be nice for a document to define some base glossaries; the
client would consult these sources for any word the user selected. (I don't
think this is currently XMLSpec.) It would also help if the client ought to
be given a clue as to how to interpret strings in order to select the
proper glossary. (RFC's, government docs, person's name, ISBN, etc.)

Regarding "pointer" style anchors:

Tim Bray, author of the XML 1.0 Spec, invented an "Annotation XML" in which
the original document and annotation source are separate. He even uses
XLink and XPointers to define the attributes and anchors of the notes-- and
used his Lark XML process to "flip" the generated document into familiar
HTML. See the link [2]. I'll be adding this to by annotation software
summary page, which more and  more, is screaming to be written in XML!

[1] http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/06/xmlspec-report-19980910.htm
[2] http://www.xml.com/xml/pub/98/09/exexegesis-0.html

Jon Garfunkel ............................... 
Software Engineer ................................. 
GTE Internetworking /Powered By BBN/ ......

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 1999 00:06:23 UTC