Re: <mtext> while editing .mml (newbie question)

Thanks.  A keyboard shortcut is totally fine.

If this is a bug, is there a place where I should report it?


On Sat, 29 Aug 2009, wrote:

> I think that - when editing mml document - the Insert menu should be available
> with all but the Math menu disabled. Hence I suppose you found a bug... A
> workaround until it is fixed: use the shortcut ctrl m, ctrl x to insert a
> <mtext/>.
>> Could someone please tell me how to add an <mtext> tag to a document while
>> you're editing a .mml file? I can do it just fine when I add a bit of math
>> to a .html file, via the Insert menu.  But when I edit a .mml, that menu is
>> totally greyed out and unusable.
>> (I could load up the source and add <mtext> </mtext> directly, but that
>> defeats the entire purpose of using Amaya.  There's gotta be some way of
>> doing it from the editor, but I can't figure it out.)
>> Thanks,
>> Adam

Received on Sunday, 30 August 2009 08:40:05 UTC