Absolute positions, Amaya scroll bars and other problems

If I try to edit the following code in Amaya (not including the "CODE" 
tags of course):

   <title>test of visibility</title>
   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<p> test of scroll with fixed positioning </p>

style="position:absolute; left:355px; top:1016px; width:179px; 
height:21px; z-index:32">
<a href="#HAUT">You cannot see me</a></div>

style="position:absolute; left:977px; top:1px; width:38px; height:22px; 
<a name="HAUT"></a></div>

The browser of Amaya does not open up a scroll bar so there is no means 
on my computer of seeing "you cannot see me". It is visible in Firefox 
and IE6 if you scroll down. Now, I KNOW that this is all bad practice 
html, but I have inherited large quantities of absolute positioned code 
(yeuk) and need to start editing it.
Also, if I open the source view, then the source appears fine. BUT the 
"source" button in the "views" menu is greyed out. If I uncheck the 
"horizontal split" button the source view vanishes and will return ONCE, 
but then NONE of menu items of "views" works any more. It is necessary 
to shut down Amaya OR open up another file, in which case the "source" 
view works ONCE (but only one time) again.

I am using Amaya 10.1 pre 5 dated October 17th on Windows XP sp2 on an 
aging Pentium IV computer with 1 GB of RAM. Same result on 10.0

So, is this a bug or is my computer screwed in some way??

Received on Sunday, 23 November 2008 17:53:37 UTC