Re: Bug "fixes" broken: source view highlighting

> * In source view, <shif-PageUP/DN>, <shift-DNarrow>,
> and <shift-RTarrow> didn't work well."
> I keep finding multiple, and complicated, problems
> with even the simplest tasks of source view
> highlighting/cut/copy/pasting.

Could you be a bit more specific [1]? Just by saying something is
broken won't help Amaya developers much... :-|

> Given that Amaya 10.0 shipped with gross bugs
> in this area, how can it be that the current "pre5"
> still has gross bugs in this most basic area of
> editing functionality?

I didn't investigate further but... Maybe not good enough bug reports?
Usually, reports that properly pin-point issues (containing reduced
test cases, procedure to reproduce, etc.) *are* fixed, not because
they represent bugs which are easier to fix (as they probably aren't!)
but because a good report requires relevant effort which is often
taken as an additional motivation for fixing the issue. At least, this
makes sense to me... :-)

> No, I will not be filing any bug reports with that
> fancy new tool. What really needs fixing is well
> beyond what any bug reporting tool can help with.

Did you intentionally left the <sneer></sneer> tags out? ;-) Again (as
Irene has already stated), the bug tracking tool is not a requirement,
it's a complement. I invite you to improve your reports into the
mailing list and leave the development team move them into the bug
tracker whenever found appropriate (something which has already happen
several times).

> Thank you,
> Eddie Maddox


  Helder Magalhães


Received on Sunday, 2 November 2008 22:46:12 UTC