SVG Editor Status: bugs & features

Dear users,

	As you saw in the last snapshot, Amaya now has an SVG editor. I worked on it
during three months and I think there are enough features for you to find it
useful. I guess no more features will be added until the next release since my
internship ended the 29th of August.

	They are still some bugs that I registered in the new tracker and I hope they
will be fixed soon:

	There are also possible improvements to do and I suppose that many comments
will be sent to the mailing list. FYI, here are my ideas:

Important features not implemented yet

- management of basic shapes: fix bugs + trapezium & parallelogram.
- enter/exit Group (prevent use of ungroup).
- support of SVG "markers" to improve arrows ; add management of "connectors"
(in a way similar to Dia).
- review copy & paste of SVG elements.

Other possible features

- conversion between the different kinds of object: polyline / path / basic
- more editing commands for paths: transformation of path segments, intersection
and union...
- improve and complete style panel.
- edition of animations.

All the best,

Frederic Wang

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2008 09:16:33 UTC