Re: Amaya 10 -- snapsohot 4 -- bugs and proposals

>By counters I meant:
>For me Amaya is not a WYSIWYG, it is more content editor. Counters are the part
of visual content. Of course other css rules should be >supported.

	OK, I'm not a CSS expert so let see it with Irene. In my opinion, counters will
add complexity in an editor context : each time one change the content, Amaya
has to check if some counters need to be update. Moreover for section numbering,
there is already a command in the tool menu.

>Personally I don't like an idea of convertion of LaTeX to MathML in Amaya.
Becouse, in my opinion people should create content with >Amaya, rather then
translate it to standardized markup language. But I agree an oportunity should
exist, for example, support for >trasformation of openmath and, in general, easy
drug and drop support for translating mathematics from Microsoft Office and
OpenOffice >to Amaya.

	A converter from LaTeX to MathML is not useful for me. Nevertheless, most
scientists use LaTeX and such a feature could be a way to encourage them to
*really* produce Web contents, rather than putting on-line PDF files or pages
with images of formulae :-(. Moreover, some math teacher that experimented Amaya
made this request. My proposal was simply to use existing library rather than
rewriting an internal converter.

	Normally OpenOffice use MathML and I believe Microsoft Office can export
MathML. OpenMath is really close to content MathML 3, so we can hope to import
it when Amaya has a better MathML support.

>P.S. SVG templates are really good idea! Bravo!
>Also flasks are nice, but chemists won't use it. May be you should use wiki
>From the chemists point of view, there is a need in templates: 1) lab. glass
and apparatus, 2) crystal and molecule structures, 3) >orbitals, 4) additional
marks. It is not enoght for chemistry, but it is to many for Amaya! Don't you
think so? All templates should >be additional stuff, that is not acceseble
direct from main menu, but from galleries. A nice gallery example:

Thanks for the links. In the past Amaya had a library where one can save
templates and reuse them. However it didn't work in the last version so we
removed it in the snapshot.

>hotkeys: ctrl+m+c for chemistry and ctrl+m+u for units. Since mode is
activated, Amaya automatically at least add specified class to
>mi elements (comment: another way to make it is to use xsl -- you see, modes
would be easier). I prefer, that it would not be the main
>option of Amaya, but it would be possible to define any special mode and save
it as a behavior in additional file. The best and most
>usefull modes would be described at Amaya homepage and recommended to users.

>Yes, I do.
>Imagine, one wants to add some chemical structure (very quickly and easily) to
Amaya. First of all, the only way is to paste it into
>the code. Secondly, there are a few programs, that draw svg-chemistry. For
example, MarvinScetch, which also give one additional
>problems: coordinates are set too precisely and there are a lot of additional
attributes. BKChem is much better. Any way, one have to
>clean up the code, which is time consuming, one have no opportunity to use some
advanced stuff like he has in IsisDraw, ACDChem,
>ChemOffice (which are the standard editors in any laboratory).
>There may be a solution: to use XUL in order to render CML. CML is not good for
reaction (mechanism) drawing, so one still needs, for
>example BKChem and some possibility to edit svg in Amaya (add arrows). CML is
good because it is supported by almost all chemistry
>software. Also, it may be transformed and styled dirrectly in Amaya, for
example, one may change bond length.
>Bond length, thickness and other parameters should be predefined in additional
stylesheet, which refer to Journal or custom settings.
>Journal settings may be introduced also to mathematics.

>An other example, when one needs advanced copy paste is about data:uri images.
Personally, I do like looking into code, even for

>In summary, my wishlist:
>    * better support for css, especially for counters
>    * chemistry/physics etc. customizable modes in Amaya
>    * SVG templates ordered by specific fields, which are always accessible
from internet and may be loaded to Amaya
>          o laboratory glass, apparatus and equipment
>          o crystal and molecular structures
>          o orbitals
>          o additional marks and arrows
>    * CML support with help of XUL
>    * advanced copy/paste

I can have a look at the second and third items during my spare time. The others
will be more difficult to implement I think. There is an important need for
arrows & connectors but unfortunaly we can't do it as long as the SVG "markers"
is not implemented.

>I do not want to transform Amaya into a document (articles, monograph, book)
editor. I do want it to be customizable and also usable,
>as an editor.


Received on Friday, 5 September 2008 20:35:59 UTC