Re: Bug and/or Unwanted behavoure on typing indented text.

Corne Beerse wrote:
> Irene Vatton wrote:
>> Le mercredi 09 avril 2008 à 15:53 +0200, Corne Beerse a écrit :
>> <<<<<< overhead removed >>>>>>
> I've peeked in the html code and have seen the way indent is 
> implemented in amaya. For indent of normal paragraphs <p>, there is no 
> alternative than to do it by style or such. Since Amaya is an example 
> implementation and you say a global CSS rule would be better, why does 
> Amaya not do it as follows (if possible?): If an indent is wanted on 
> an paragraph, create a style 'indent1 on a paragraph' and use that. 
> 2nd level indent can be 'indent2 on a paragraph' and so in. I have 
> several ideas on where and how to store the style definition, they 
> include the top of the same file, opening the attached css file or 
> just ask the user.
> Now I'm peeking at the html: if I remove the indent, the style is left 
> in the type. Or is it cleared on save as 'obsolete'?
> On the other hand, I also used the indent button on list items <li>. 
> Since <li> items can be used nested, I kind of expected that would be 
> the case. I have to admit, that is what I'm used to in msWord, but it 
> is a way to avoid style-sheets. Otherwise, If I want the <li> items 
> nested, how do I do that?
I'd like to add that with bullets (<li> items) the behavoure has been 
changed between version 9 and version 10. Here I have the impression it 
was with indent but it is the way the next item gets it type.

In Amaya 9, at a <li> type, the next was a <p> inside the previos <li>, 
a second hit on return made it the next <li>. Subsequent returns move 
outside the bullet levels. In Amaya 10, there is a slight change that to 
get a <p> inside a <li> needs shift-return. These messages made me think 
and try. Now I know, there is no reason to report this as a bug. 
Specially since the amaya 9 behavoure differed from other editors where 
amaya 10 is moved towards them.

I have to admit here that hitting the bullet button once more while at a 
bullet, the sublist is opened. It would be nice if there is a way to 
'indent' a selection of bullets by making it a <ul><li> inside the 
already existing <li>.

>>> btw: the above is on using indent on normal <p> paragraphs. While
>>> using bullets it is even more strange to me, I expect that to be
>>> related however.
Regards (and thanks for Amaya)

Corné Beerse

Received on Friday, 11 April 2008 14:42:46 UTC