White space

Hi my name is Niklas.
I work most of the time in flash.
I'm using xhtml tables for content in flash.
I need a specific code format for them to render correctly in flash.
Let me explain...

Lets say that I have this code:

"My text<br />
the rest of the text."
Amaya is breaking these lines up when it comes to the format of the code but
what I need is to have a continuos flow of the code.
In for example Dreamweaver there is some settings for the code format so
that you can set up the break tag so that the format of the code isn't
breaking it up- is there anything similar in Amaya?
I've looked in Amaya but I haven't find anything similar.


All the best Niklas Hallgren

Wide Circle



Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2007 06:36:27 UTC