Re: [Announce] Amaya 9.54

Irene Vatton wrote:

>The Amaya team is pround to announce Amaya 9.54
>This release provides bug fixes and following new features:
>  o The status bar is now active and can be used to select enclosing elements
>  o Extension of the contextual menu attached to tabs 
>    (new tab, refresh tab, close other tabs)
>  o All CSS border styles are now supported
>  o Implementation of the display="block" attribute of the math element 
>  o Implementation of SVG attributes viewBox and preserveAspectRatio
>  o Templates have been introduced in Amaya, but this feature is not yet
>     available by default.
>    See
>An Amaya 8.54 is also released, and it will be the last release of this family 
>Binaries distributions are available at:
By default, all amaya instalaltions install by default in their own 
directory, with the version number in the directory name. I see the 
advantage for the users that use multiple versions of amaya side by 
side. However as a system administrator, I'd like to install new 
versions of Amaya in the same directory, replacing the old one. Can the 
next binary installation change the default to not include the 
versionnumber in the directories?

The major advantage is that other tools like msFrontpage donnot need to 
be reconfigured about where to find Amaya.


C. Beerse.

>Sources distributions are available at:
>For more details see:

Received on Friday, 16 February 2007 10:39:17 UTC