Re: Proof is in the PUT-ing

Irene Vatton 15.01.2007 12:50:   ­  
> On Sunday 14 January 2007 23:35, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
> > Very glad if someone could shed some light on this for me.
> With Apache 2,

The default version of Apache on Mac OS X, is 1.3.x, I believe. At 
least, that is what the Apache documentation on my machine tells me.

>  the mod_put module doesn't seem to work,

When I read the Amaya documentation, I was left with the impression that 
I needed mod_put in order to get PUT to work on Apache. But after 
struggeling with mod_put for a while, I read in a comment somewhere - 
and in one of the pages that the Amaya site in fact points to - that PUT 
is allready included in Apache, one simply needs a script that enables 
it. (And I belive that mod_put is essentially some kind of script 
itself.) This seems to be true both for Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.x.

(In fact, I think that the Amaya FAQs etc could be clearer in telling 
that - or whether or not - one can use PHP to enable PUT.)

>  so you have to install 
> and activate WebDav module:
> To enable mod_dav, add the following to a container in your httpd.conf file:
> <Directory />
>     Dav On
> ....
> </Directory>

Thank you, Irčne. I have in fact been able to get DAV to work - with 
Amay. (I have installed WebDAV long ago, in another "edit the the web" 
effort that I made ... ) Still I have some interest in PUT. I can use 
WebDAV on our local network, and perhaps that will in the end be how 
I'll be using Amaya. But as my host provider does not offer WebDAV, I 
thought perhaps I it would be a chance with PUT - enabled via PHP - if I 
am lucky.)

Also, the Amaya documentation says that Amaya only has limited DAV 
support. I do not know, yet, whether that means "limited compared with 
what WebDAV has to offer" or if it means "limited compared with what 
Amaya is able to do with PUT". Perhaps you can shed some light on that?

At any rate, since PUT can be enabled via PHP or Perl, I believe it will 
often be easier - in the world of web hosting solutions out there - to 
use PUT.

That is why I was hoping to be able to enable PUT ...

> # you must take particular care to assure that your server is secure before 
> enabling mod_dav.

Any more than with PUT?

Received on Monday, 15 January 2007 12:40:30 UTC