Re: PRE blocks don't extend to fill the available width and don't overflow


> Actually I like the look of the PRE block in amaya compared to that 
> in Firefox ....  A block should only accommodate the width of 
> data in it .....

Unfortunately that's not how the CSS box model [1] works (and I'm 
sure there's a good reason for it).  What you want could be achieved 
with an inline-block [2], which is currently not well supported by 
all the common browsers (as far as I know Firefox 3 will bring a 
support for it) or a block with 'display: table'.

Note also the broken overflow behavior is apparent in IE6 but is 
fixed in IE7 [3].  You may checkout more details on IE7 CSS changes [4].

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] "Box Model Changes" 
[4] <>, 

> I notice that blocks set to a specific width use 
> that size as a max size and not a set size in most browsers 
> and that gives designers the creeps because of unpredictability 
> however i guess the recommendation has lots of holes in it and 
> those are interpretted differently by implementers.


Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2006 08:54:33 UTC