[GUI] Bugs in 9.53

1] Interrupt download button does not work on long downloads ...
my test situation was the current w3.org CSS test suite which
loads a long directory of tests ...  the Interrupt button did not
stop the download --- it required a ctrl-c to finally terminate it!
Probably untested as most testing and authoring is done on short files
In fact short files is a good procedure  but the directory for the
test suite has not been factored into folders yet .... 
good one to test the functionality of interupt button on.

2] Tooltips do not show up if the icon is greyed out ....As some of the
icons are marginally descriptive, the tooltips should be on always.
I suspect this is a weakness of the toolkit you are using....
Perhaps they will add option for always on (even when greyed out)
if it is within Amaya programmer control then i suggest tooltips
remain displayable even when the icon is greyed out.  

John Russell, VE3LL@COGECO.CA

Received on Sunday, 3 December 2006 16:22:12 UTC