Amaya 9.53 snapshot WinXP bugs: character entities


I have found some bugs/RFE using Special characters tool in Amaya 9.53 
snapshot for Window XP:

1. RFE: Most than 50% of the character entities are not shown in the 
Special characters tool, even if Amaya show them when they are inserted 
in the document.

2. Bug: If the user inserts in a blank paragraph the same character 
entity several times (for example, several ∇ characters creating 
the following code <p>&nabla; &nabla; &nabla; &nabla; &nabla;</p>), when 
the document is saved and reloaded, most of the entities have disapear. 
It does not always happen, but it does happen most of the times.

3. Bug: If a non-html character entity is inserted in the source code of 
a XHTML 1.0 document (for example, <p>&xoplus;</p>), Amaya does not 
detect an error, but W3C validator raises errors (general entity 
"xoplus" not defined and no default entity, etc).

Best regards,
Bartolomé Sintes (

Received on Monday, 27 November 2006 22:02:56 UTC