Bug: New option - Keep multiple spaces

Here is a summary of relatively minor problems I have found with the
"Keep multiple spaces" option.

As noted previously ("New option - Keep multiple spaces" 17 Oct):

Where there is a single space either at the start of the line or at the
end.  In these cases Amaya currently inserts a single ordinary space.
This appears fine in Amaya, but it does not, and as far as I know should
not, produce a visible space in a browser or editor such as Mozilla.  I
think the correct response should be to use a single non-breaking space.

A workaround for this, when typing rather than pasting text, is to press
Space twice and then use backspace.  This leaves a single non-breaking

Also, inserting a space in the middle of a line of:

  "~~~~~~~~ "

will create:

  "~~~ ~~~~~ "

This one is pretty obscure, If I generate a line of 6 spaces:

  <p>~~~~~ </p>

and insert an image in the middle of it, I get:

 <p>~~~<img alt="Blah" src="test.jpg" />~~ </p>

when it would be better to have:

 <p>~~ <img alt="Blah" src="test.jpg" />~~ </p>

Similarly, I get:

<p>~~~<img alt="A nice long description too . . ."
src="test-image-with-a-nice-long-name.jpg" />~~ </p>

In this case if I add something like a border style:

<p>~~~<img alt="A nice long description too . . ."
src="test-image-with-a-nice-long-name.jpg" style="border: 0px" />~~</p>

A space has been lost on the right.

 - Robin

Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2006 04:03:16 UTC