Thank You

To all the Authors of AMAYA;

 From the About:
	amaya - 9.52     Oct 18 2006
	W3C's editor/browser for the Web
	(mail issues to

I was looking for something else, not finding it and stumbled in on
amaya. WOW!  Works! (WebLinks/display almost as good as FireFox and edit
of htmls is fantastic!)

OK, for your records:
	System : Fujitsu C Series LIFEBOOK, CPU P4-Mobile @ 2.4GHz
	OS     : Slackware 10.2 (out of the box)
	Compile: Followed the bouncing ball and ZERO (0) problems
		   on first effort!!!
	Notes  : Was able, following compile and before install, to
		   delve into compiled bin dir and test drive amaya.
		 That was a nice rush. Then did the install and BINGO
		   Hey Guys, it don't get any better!!

	Buggs  : 2
		   1 - Open to Tab command causes entire window to
		       migrate towards upper left (0,0) screen corner
		       a couple of "character spaces" at a time. Like
		       1 left and 2 up per opening.
		   2 - Tell you how important the second one is: I can't
		       remember what it is. :)  It will show up again.

Food for thought, in editing - it would be nice to work from memory.
That is, make the edit on the right (or bottom) and re-run without
having to go back to disk (no save/reload).  It makes testing wild hair
things easier because the on-disk isn't yet changed so one doesn't have
to remember what all that typing used to be before it was definitely
destroyed.  (Make temp RAMDISK, copy edit to, open from, dele RAMDISK)

Retirement isn't all that far off and when I saw this I thought it might
be something with which to try out some thoughts.  I got this for me,
but since it runs so nice - I'll sign with a full id.

I do appreciate the program;

Steven L. Turner  LLS            
GIS Tech. Support                          (916) 653-4041 V/M
Unit    - Land & Water Use                 (no fax number at this time)
Section - Statewide Planning
Division of Planning and Local Assistance
Department of Water Resources
State of California
901 "P Street, Rm 200A
Sacramento, CA  95814

Received on Monday, 23 October 2006 08:26:59 UTC