This list server's behaviour

It is my impression that I don't get a message from this list server
when the original message was To: me and Cc: the list.  Does anyone else
have this experience?

Also, on some occasions, what I wrote to the list does not come back to
me via the list server.  For instance my message earlier today "Re:
Compiling 9.52 snapshot on Debian 3.1 stable", starting with "Thanks
Irene for the updated list of packages:".  That was To: the list and Cc:
Irene.  However, when I write a fresh message to the list, the server
sends it back to me.

Whatever the reason for not sending me messages which go to the rest of
the list, I wish this did not happen.  I have server based mail sorting
which also puts mailing list messages in my Inbox, tagged for deletion:

and I want my local Amaya mailbox to contain a complete list of list
messages.  It doesn't help that the archives do not seem to update

Also, I suggest that the list server prepend a list identifier to
subject lines, unless the subject already contains such an identifier.
GNU Mailman does this perfectly well.  For instance "[Amaya]".

It is OK for me, since my mail sorting system adds such a label - but I
imagine that many other list members are on multiple or dozens of
mailing lists, and that it is a pest receiving messages which can't
easily be distinguished as list messages by their subject line.

 - Robin

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2006 08:24:11 UTC