'Show map areas' does not persist across page reload or link

Amaya 8.8.3, Windows 98 SE

Sample page:


  Show map areas
    [Result: circular map area is outlined at center of red circle, as
    [Result: Selecting 'Views' again shows that 'Show map areas' is checked,
as expected]

Reload page
  [Result: Map area is no longer outlined.  This is not as expected]

  [Result: 'Show map areas' is still checked, but is now out of sync with
reality.  This is not as expected]
  Show map areas
    [Result: map area is again displayed.  It's not clear what to expect
here, as you have just turned 'Show map areas' OFF, but the areas were not
being shown at the time you did that]

  [Result: 'Show map areas' is NOT checked, out of sync with reality.  This
is not as expected]

The same scenario occurs if, instead of reloading the current page, you link
to another page within the same window.

Expected behavior: The setting of 'Show map areas' should persist across
page reloads and links to other pages within the same window, consistent
with the behavior of 'Show targets'.  Its behavior when you open a page in
another window should also be consistent with 'Show targets'.  Currently,
the settings of these two display properties are NOT propagated to the new

Chris Beall

Received on Sunday, 5 February 2006 21:44:21 UTC