More patches from Debian plus question


Having seen a couple of bug reports for the Amaya package in Debian, here
are the new patches you might be interested to merge.

fix_ftbfs.diff : The package fails to build on 64 bits architectures. This
trivial patch fixes it (see

fix_warnings.diff : Trivial patch fixing a few warnings.

lock_as_hidden_file.diff : For the lock file, use $HOME/.amaya-$USER
instead of $HOME/amaya-$USER to avoid adding visible files in the home

Any feedback on these would be welcome. I also continue working on a patch
that would allow to use a system-provided libwww, and will keep you
informed about the status.


"While a monkey can be a manager, it takes a human to be an engineer" Erik

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2006 09:59:37 UTC