Re: Starting 9.3 on Linux

> (I've also tried it on the test version of Fedora Core 5. Unfortunately,
> Amaya doesn't start at all, but the results are similar. If I type
> "amaya" I just get the word "Align" returned and nothing else. If I type
> "amaya_wx" I get the segfault as above.)

I tried to start Amaya 9.3 on a Debian (etch) and I got something
similar : the word "Align" returned and nothing else.
Then I investigate with "strace amaya" and I found amaya tried to
access ~/.amaya which doesn't exists yet on my machine. So I tried to
create a empty ~/.amaya (mkdir ~/.amaya) directory.
Now Amaya works on my debian.

Hope this tip will help.

Stéphane GULLY (

Received on Monday, 12 December 2005 09:54:01 UTC