frames (Re: bug: target attribute not shown)

Am Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2005 16:02 schrieb Irene Vatton:
> [...]

> > What?  What should I use instead?
> Please select XHTML Transitional or HTML Transitional for this kind of
> document.

I meant: "What should I use instead of frames and/or the "target" attribute 
when using XHTML Strict?"

> > Or shall modifications of single frames be disallowed?  Or does the W3C
> > want to drop frames altogether? 
> W3C doesn't recommend the usage of frames.

Hmm, I always thought, that (X)HTML Transitional shall not exist forever, i.e. 
that only XHTML Strict shall survive.  This would not only mean that the W3C 
doesn't recommend the use of frames but that some time in the future it will 
"forbid" it.

So how shall one "simulate" frames with XHTML Strict?  Shall one use 
stylesheets with direct positioning, inline frames or something like that?  
Or are inline frames also deprecated?

In my opinion, frames can be very useful.  Say, I have a website where on the 
top of every page there is a header and on the left there is a menu.  I want 
the menu and the header to stay if I scroll the main text and – and that's 
important – I do not want the scroll bar to extend to the top of the header 
because logically the scroll bar only belongs to the "actual content", i.e., 
everything apart from the header and the menu.

Is there any official explaination of the W3C what's the rationale behind 
turning away from frames?

> [...]

Best wishes,

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2005 16:01:37 UTC