display problems with 8.7.3

Version 8.7.3 has some issues that were previously ok
view http://home.cogeco.ca/~ve3ll/home.htm

1] the go button should be beside, not under the textbox
2] the go button should size to the content text

3] the table in the lifestyles section should expand to
the contained text rather than wrapping unnecessarily.

Compare with the look in MSIE, FireBird and Opera for 
the expected appearance.  To design with Amaya editor
the look must be reasonably close to what others will see
in their browsers. Designers have no control over the 
users selection of browsers, screen widths, color choices,
etc so must have a common reference for a ?close?
john russell ve3ll@rac.ca [those are L's as in LLAMA]

Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 17:35:02 UTC