Re: Amaya pre8.7: latin2 characters still buggy?

>    I've still problems with amaya (cvs version, pre 8.7) and some 
> iso-8859-2 (latin2) characters.
>   - I run Amaya, which opens the AmayaPage.html. I can type any latin2 
> character into the location bar but when I type it in the page, only 
> rectangles are displayed instead of some of them (and in the source 
> view there is 'ƹ' entity while I typed 's' with turned ^ above it).

I've found a new problem : in fact Amaya is waiting for wide characteres 
and gtk key input depends on locale charset. So I have created a new 
function which detect locale charset based on "locale -ck" command (if 
nothing is found it returns ISO-8859-1). This function is used to 
convert to wide characteres the gtk inputs.
I hope this will fix definitively this i18n bug.
Please, could you try again with CVS head ?

Stephane GULLY (

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2004 16:22:13 UTC