Re: Amaya pre8.7: latin2 characters still buggy?

On Sat, 09 Oct 2004 14:45:49 +0000
Jakub Holý <> wrote:

> Hi!
>     I've still problems with amaya (cvs version, pre 8.7) and some 
> iso-8859-2 (latin2) characters.
>    - I run Amaya, which opens the AmayaPage.html. I can type any latin2 
> character into the location bar but when I type it in the page, only 
> rectangles are displayed instead of some of them (and in the source view 
> there is '&#x1b9;' entity while I typed 's' with turned ^ above it).

Probably the font available to display latin2 characters is not in the Amaya
list of possible fonts.
Could you send us descriptions of available fonts in following format
xfontsel can help you to find out these descriptions.

>    - I click "open a document", a dialog asking whether I want to save 
> the modified AmayaPage appears, I click "no", and the latin2 characters 
> I've typed in the location bar are transformed into those, that are 
> shown when the font being used is latin1 instead of latin2.

We need to detect what font and character encoding is used by GTK.

>    - I open a document with iso-8859-2 encoding (I had to disable its 
> css and tell amaya to use font-family Courier by default, because it's 
> the only one displaying the caracters correctly, while in Mozilla the 
> characters are always displayed correclty). The latin2 characters of the 
> document are shown correctly in the main view and the source view, but I 
> cannot type them in - when I try, in those views only rectangles are 
> displayed for some of them and in the location bar latin1 chracters are 
> shown instead (I suppose they're in a latin1 font at the same position 
> as the characters I wanted in a latin2 font).
>     What to do? I'd love to use Amaya but I can't, as you can see.

> Regards,
>                   Jakub Holy
> -- 
> e-mail:
> www:
> ICQ:    98180462

Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
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Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2004 12:49:05 UTC