Re: Black Text on black Background

On 3 Mar 2004 at 16:42, Stephane Gully wrote:

> Tobias Besch wrote:
> >I used (successfully) version 8.2 on my PC.
> >Today when I started Amaya it showed me only black text on black 
> >background.
> >I downloaded version 8.3 then and installed it over the previous 
> >version.
> >But that didn't help.
> >The problem remains.
> >
> >What could be the reason for that strange behaviour?
> >Any suggentions?
> >
> What is your plateforme : Linux / Windows ?
> Do you use the OpenGL version ?

OS:    Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Amaya: The "normal" version (not the OpenGL version)

Graphics card: ATI Radeon 7000
Monitor:       NEC AccuSync LCD 71VM
Resolution:    1280x1024
Color depth:   16 bit

BTW: I recently changed my monitor.
Before this I was using a CRT at a resolution of 1024x768.
It seems like Amaya worked on my old monitor but does not on the new 
Could that be? (Sounds strange to me.)


Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2004 12:09:39 UTC