8.2 GL: possible minor bug report: path Q

<path fill="red" stroke="none"
    d="M 30 20 Q 70 50 70 15 S 150 35 105 55 S 160 80 115 110 S 110 80 
90 70 S 70 80 80 110 S 50 150 30 140 S 80 75 40 80 S 0 5 30 20" />

this displays as desired in Tinyline 1.5, ASV6, iCab2.9.7, so I'm lead 
to believe this is a bug, but amaya be not yours...
to see this red splat in the wild: 

the possible bug relates to the 'Q' near (70,15) or the second item in,
this point was a sharp discontinuity, rather than the intended rounded 

I've now changed it to an S thus:
<path fill="red" stroke="none"
    d="M 30 20 S 70 50 70 15 S 150 35 105 55 S 160 80 115 110 S 110 80 
90 70 S 70 80 80 110 S 50 150 30 140 S 80 75 40 80 S 0 5 30 20" />

as the Q stood out, but it does seem strange if the other viewers got 
this wrong.

Haven't a clue what Q or S are supposed to mean :-)


Jonathan Chetwynd
"A web by people with learning difficulties"

Received on Thursday, 20 November 2003 15:57:04 UTC