unimplemented css warnings

The new version indicates unimplemented css with a warning error
that says ignored....  This is a great step forward.

However these warnings show up on the parse errors list...
 but they are not errors.  They should have their own menu item
called 'unimplemented'  or 'CSS warnings'  or the like....

WHY!  for two reasons
1] Because they are NOT errors!
2] Developers may be including these unimplemented items in their
style sheets for other browsers...  But now EVERY document has
the parse error item ACTIVE and one thinks the doc is bad.   Also
real errors get overlooked by the implementation warnings,

So PLEASE separate the warnings to its own list for accuracy and
designer useability.  Alternatively you could add a config switch 
to 'hide implementation warnings'    but that may be just as hard to
do and designer may forget unimplemented once set .... the best solution
is its own line item --- greyed out when no content  just as parse errors 
work now ....  just a parallel list keeper and warning goes to this list
rather than errors list.  

And hopefully as newer versions arrive, less unimplemented and less need
for the list at all ;-]  ;-]  ;-]   
for me right now it is the nowrap value on white-space ;-[  ;-[ ;-[ --
john russell ve3ll@rac.ca [those are L's as in LLAMA]

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2003 09:54:44 UTC